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Nirma University students, faculty, staff, alumni of Nirma University, and professional/corporate bodies are welcome to use NIMA Knowledge Centre. Nirma University students, faculty and staff become a member of NIMA Knowledge Centre automatically. For Alumni Membership and Corporate Membership follow the registration process mentioned in the Top menu of the website. You may also contact the Library Staff for more information.
The students can use the University’s Identity Card as a Library Membership Card while others need to fill up a form available from the Library to obtain a Library Membership Card of NIMA Knowledge Centre.

Nirma University have Central Library name as NIMA Knowledge Centre at E Block Tower Building.

Libraries are accessible at select hours. To know more about the working hours of the library, please click here.
Use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) terminals (Click to activate OPAC Link). The OPAC is a key to all the Library Resources. You can search the titles of books, journals, online resources, dissertations, theses, faculty publications etc through key words, author, subject terms, year of publication etc. OPAC also gives information of its Shelf-location, availability status, reservation status, subject, class number and collection code etc. Click here to see the presentation on ‘How to Use OPAC?‘. Should you require any help, please do contact Library staff at circulation counter.
You may find the Titles on the Library’s OPAC for which the Status is “Future”. It means the book is ‘Under Technical Processing’. Such titles can be consulted on the Library premises for a short period. Please contact Library Staff to get such titles for consultation/photocopying of its portion.
If the resource is not on the stock of the NULRCs it can be borrowed from other Institutional Libraries (limited to some libraries). On ascertaining the non-availability of the item in the NU Libraries, you are advised to fill-up DELNET ILL Request Form the details of the needed item and forward it to the Librarian after getting a signature from the respective HOD. Generally, we get the material within a week. The cost of photocopying and courier charges will have to be borne by the user. Alternatively, if the book/resource is useful to many other users of Nirma University it can be added to the NULRCs stock through the Department Head’s recommendation. Please use the Book Recommendation Form to suggest a Title for addition. Contact Library Staff at Circulation Desk for further help.
An authorised user can send the request for subscription of a new journal through the Head of the Department/Centre. However, this is subject to the availability of funds with the library.
No – The Library does not allow to use someone else’s Library Card at NIMA Knowledge Centre.
If any student has misplaced/lost their Library / Identity card they have to report the same, in writing, to the Head of the Student section with a copy to the Librarian. Such students will be required to produce a copy of request for duplicate card given to student section and a photo ID proof.
If any faculty/staff has lost their I-card please inform the library so that no misuse happens and also inform respective administrative department for issuing of a new card.
In such a case, you must immediately report the details of the lost item to the Library Staff. You will be required to replace the lost book with a new copy within a week. For any reason, if the book is not available in the market then you would have to pay the library three times the cost of the lost book.
The NIMA Knowledge Centre Home Page contains detailed information about Library services and the Resources. However, if you need additional information or would like to talk to someone in person, please contact Library Staff of the specific Resource Centre.